unlimted product attribute

Unlimited product attributes.

You can create as many options for your products (such as color, size, shape) as you like, each with its own SKU (unique stock code), price, hot selling price, cost, weight, images, min order quantity and stock level.

Smart product attributes.

With our smart product attribute, you have the flexibility to conditionally control over pricing on each attribute item. eg. for size: XXL plus 5 dollor and also plus weight of 1 ( which will increase the shipping price base on weight of product, if you have enabled weight base calculation in shipping module )

smart product attribute

additional product image

Show additional product images.

You may show more images like rear view, side view or other additional images for any products in your online shop. This may help customers to better understand your products for decision making.

Multiple presentation effect.

With built in images present feature like zoom, manify, magic thumb, image layover effect. You may have special effects when visitor click on the product image.

image effect

Sell anything - tangible products, digital downloads

physical products

Sell physical products.

You may specify minimun and maximun qty for purchasing. Hide a selling price for a product for catalog purpose.

Sell digital download.

Instant download of digital product after the customer have successfully made the payment online. You are able to limit the time a customer can download for specifc digital product.

digital product

easy inventory

Easy inventory and product management.

  • Automatic inventory updating when an order is placed
  • Improve search engine rankings with custom page URL, page title and META details
  • Bulk edit the products via spreadsheet or web browser
  • Remove a product from the front end without delete it
  • Back order support for an order